german battleship bismarck artinya
- german: jerman; german; ???? ????; bahasa jerman;
- battleship: kapal perang; kapal tempur; kuat
- bismarck: bismarck; iron chancellor
- Rodney was made famous by her role in the sinking of the German battleship Bismarck in May 1941.
Rodney dibuat terkenal oleh perannya dalam tenggelamnya kapal tempur Jerman Bismarck Mei 1941. - During World War II Gotland sighted the German battleship Bismarck when it broke out of the Baltic Sea.
Pada Perang Dunia II Gotland melihat kapal tempur Jerman Bismarck yang kabur dari Laut Baltik. - She participated in the Norwegian Campaign of April–June 1940 and searched for the German battleship Bismarck in 1941.
Dia berpartisipasi dalam Kampanye Norwegia pada bulan April – Juni 1940 dan pencarian kapal tempur Bismarck pada tahun 1941. - In May 1941, along with HMS Rodney, King George V was involved in the hunt for and pursuit of the German battleship Bismarck, eventually inflicting severe damage which led to the German vessel's sinking.
Bersama dengan HMS Rodney (29) , King George V memberi kerusakan berat pada Kapal perang Bismarck yang menyebabkan tenggelamnya kapal Jerman tersebut pada Mei 1941.
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